Welcome back to Adsil’s Investor News, the password protected website section created specifically for shareholders to stay up to date with company progress and milestones.

This post includes

  • A brief company update
  • 2021 year-end financials
  • 2022 first half financials


The last several years have been a rough for all of us, we are pleased to say that Adsil has weathered the past events and is on the upswing.

In 2020, Adsil launched our new 1-part HVAC & metals coating – MicroGuard1® 3500 (MG1-3500). This single component product replaced the 3-part AD-35 HVAC coating we had on the market for almost 2 decades. As planned, MG1-3500 demonstrated to be a better product in performance than the AD-35 it replaced and has been proven in testing and actual use in the field.

In April of 2022, Adsil introduced our follow up 1-part hard surface coating – MicroGuard1® 1500 (MG1-1500). This new product replaced both AD-1000 and AD-2000QD 3-part hard surface coatings and performed better overall than the AD series coatings.

As coatings go, there hasn’t really been a competitor close to Adsil’s in performance. Our biggest drawback was in the logistics involved with mixing the AD-series coatings. It was hard, needed to be follow meticulously, involved a lengthy process before coating could begin, and was not viable for factory (OEM) usage. The new single-component MicroGuard1® coatings eliminate logistics headaches, allowing for more jobs to be completed in less time, and opens up new OEM markets to Adsil.

We are truly looking forward to a successful future at Adsil!



Adsil, Inc.

Profit & Loss Statement (Condensed)

For the Year 2021


Sales:                                                            $852,545

Cost of Goods Sold:                                      $269,727

Gross Profit:                                                  $582,818      


Expenses:                                                     $692,272

Net Operating Income/(Loss):                     ($109,454)

Other Income/(Loss):                                    $154,272


Net Income/(Loss):                                         $44,817




Adsil, Inc.

Profit & Loss Statement (Condensed)

Year To Date, June 2022


Sales:                                                           $512,375                  

Cost of Goods Sold:                                      $139,238

Gross Profit:                                                 $373,138


Expenses:                                                     $281,920

Net Operating Income/(Loss)                        $91,218

Other Income/(Loss):                                      ($3,158)


Net Income/(Loss):                                         $88,059