Maintenance Practices

4.3.3 System #2 (Exterior): Post-Coating Maintenance & Care

**NOTE**: Clean with water only for the first five days after the coating installation.  After five days, most exterior horizontal concrete or paver type surfaces can be easily cleaned by simple hose rinsing with tap water. A pressure washer is also an efficient means for periodic cleaning. If needed, use a pH Neutral Cleaner (no [...]

4.2.5 System #1 (Interior): Post-Coating Maintenance & Care

General Surface Cleaning  One of the many advantages of the MicroGuard1® 1500 (MG1-1500) coating is the significant reduction of time and cleaning materials needed to keep the coating in a pristine condition.  **NOTE**: Clean with water only for the first five days after the coating installation.  After five days, for most general maintenance cleaning requirements, use [...]

5.4 Post-Coating Maintenance & Care

General Cleaning For most general maintenance cleaning requirements use a neutral pH cleaner or disinfectant. Simply wash the surface to remove dirt, grime or fingerprints using a sponge or like device. Rinse with clean water and dry with a damp chamois to minimize water spotting.  Never use harsh or abrasive cleaners for routine post maintenance [...]

3.8 Post-Coating Maintenance & Care

One of the many advantages of the MicroGuard1® 1500 coating is a significant reduction of time and cleaning material costs.  General Surface Cleaning **NOTE**: Clean with water only for the first five days after the coating installation.  After five days, for most general maintenance cleaning requirements, use a pH Neutral Cleaner (no higher than an [...]

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